Day 42:
This was taken right after care group Wednesday night. This is my massive Bible. It was a mother's day present a couple years back. There wasn't much to choose from so Jason (I mean Xander) got me the large print NIV study Bible. I wanted a large print one because my eyesight is just not so good and it is so much easier to read than the tiny print they make most Bibles in. Now, since about half of it is study notes, I figure that they could take those out and make the print twice as big and then we'd really have an easy to read Bible!
Day 43:
Here is Evan sitting at his high chair, praying for supper. It's so very cute now that he's learned to clasp him hands and bow his head (or at least slink down in his chair in some approximation).
Day 44:
This is my arrival at the church for departure to Shekinah and the ladies' retreat. This was our charter bus (and we took a few vans). It seemed to be a really new bus as it looked fresher and the style was a bit different than I'm used to. Also, the TV screens were huge! Not something you used to see on a bus. It's very nice not having to worry about driving to the retreats anymore! It was an enjoyable ride until the hill into Shekinah. It's steep and narrow so the bus has to work hard at getting around the corners. There were a few ladies who were motion sick and I was even starting to not feel so well. We all made it, though, and eventually recovered!
Day 45:
This was Valentine's Day at the retreat. As such, there was plenty of chocolate floating around. On Saturday evening there was even chocolate (and caramel) fondue. It was so incredibly yummy and the ladies did a really beautiful job of arranging the fruit. I thought this was definitely worth a picture!
Day 46:
Anyway, I guess I should go hem pants now.
Until next time...
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